dimanche 19 juillet 2009

The Lord of the Rings Symbolism - Caverns of Moria

A symbolic arch is supported by 2 pillars, themselves wrapped by climbing vegetation. The arch bears an inscription written in an ancient form of Elvish, saying "The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter." Drawn below the arch are seven stars and a crown, and below these can be found a much larger star (the 'Star of the House of Feanor').

This motif is very similar to the Royal Arch of the Freemasons, who also incorporate seven stars into the space below the arch. Their arch is comprised of 7 houses of the zodiac, whose position in the sky binds the Duat. As such, the seven stars cannot denote the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus, nor the Corona Borealis, or Northern Crown. They are also not suggestive of any stars present in the Duat itself, specifically around Sirius or Orion. The 'Star of the House of Feanor', however, may be analagous with Sirius if we compare the Door of Durin and the Freemasonic Royal Arch. This then gives us a very specific sky location, into which are incorporated a crown and seven stars.

Ciertamente la relacion entre Masoneria y esta Obra de Tolkein no es muy clara pero no podemos dejar de preguntarnos hasta donde puede llegar esta analogia. Se sabe que Tolkein fue un ferviente cristiano pero es bien sabido tambien que muchos Masones profesan alguna religion, dado que es un requisito indispensable para ser Mason Regular (ver: Regularidad Mas:.). Por otra parte, no olvidemos que la Masoneria incorpora dentro de su "mistica" conceptos ansestrales mucho mas antiguos que los mitos, leyendas y religiones ... en otros terminos, de los origenes mismos de la cultura Humana Universal. Por esto mismo podemos encontrar elementos Masonicos en todas partes y en todas las epocas.


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